Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Fisika Gambut Akibat Lamanya Penggunaan Lahan di Rawa Tripa

Silvia Anggita Devi, Khairullah Khairullah, Muhammad Rusli Alibasyah


Abstrak. Histosol merupakan tanah organik yang terbentuk dari kumpulan bahan-bahan organik seperti serasah tumbuhan yang terdekomposisi dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Di Aceh sendiri wilayah ekosistem rawa gambut yang telah dikonversi menjadi lahan pertanian dan perkebunan adalah wilayah barat mulai dari Kabupaten Aceh Jaya hingga Kabupaten Aceh Singkil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perubahan beberapa sifat fisika dan kimia gambut akibat lamanya penggunaan lahan di Rawa Tripa Kabupaten Nagan Raya.Hasil penelitian dan analisis pada perubahan sifat fisika gambut akibat lamanya penggunaan lahan menunjukan bahwa kadar air tertinggi tedapat pada sampel U0 (sub soil) yaitu 275,94% dan kadar air terendah pada sampel U3 (top soil) yaitu 81,16%. Berat volume tertinggi terdapat pada sampel U3 (top soil) yaitu 0,90 g/cm3 dan berat volume terendah pada sampel U0 (sub soil) yaitu 0,41 g/cm3. Porositas tertinggi terdapat pada U0 (sub soil) yaitu 97,16% dan yang terendah terdapat pada U3 (top soil) yaitu 64,11%. Hasil pengamatan lapangan pada kematangan gambut menunjukan bahwa gambut rawa tripa memiliki tingkat kematangan hemik dan saprik, kedalaman gambut yaitu dangkal sampai sangat dalam, subsidence terjadi akibat pengarih drainase dan warna gambut yaitu hitam kemerahan sampai coklat kehitaman.

Change in Some Peat Physical Character due to the Length of Land Use in Rawa Tripa

Abstract. Histosol is an organic soil formed from a collection of organic materials such as plant litter which was decomposed for a long time. In Aceh, the peat swamp ecosystem area that has been converted into agricultural land and plantations is in the west, starting from Aceh Jaya Regency to Aceh Singkil Regency. This study aims to look at the change in some physical and chemical properties of peat due to the length of land use in Tripa Swamp in Nagan Raya District. The results of the research and analysis on the change in the physical properties of peat due to the length of land use showed that the highest moisture content was found in samples of U0 (sub soil) which was 275.94% and the lowest water content in U3 (top soil) sample of 81.16%. The highest volume weight is found in the sample U3  (top soil) which is 0.90 g / cm3 and the lowest volume weight in the sample U0 (sub soil) is 0.41 g / cm3. The highest porosity is found in U0 (sub soil), namely 97.16% and the lowest is in U3 (top soil), which is 64.11%. The results of field observations on peat maturity show that tripe swamp peat has a level of hemic and sapric maturity, peat depth that is shallow to very deep, subsidence occurs due to drainage and the color of peat is reddish black to blackish brown.


Histosol; Sifat Fisika; Nagan Raya; Histosols; Physical Properties

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