Model Komunikasi Keluarga Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Nikah Muda Di Gayo Lues (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Blangjerango Kabupaten Gayo lues)

putra angkasan, Martunis Yahya



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) model komunikasi yang di terapkan orang tua dalam keluarga masyarakat Kabupaten Gayo Lues, sehingga cenderung terjadi nikah di usia muda, (2) faktor yang menyebabkan pernikahan pada usia muda di Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori komunikasi keluarga. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitiannya deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ialah orangtua pasangan nikah muda, pelaku nikah muda, pihak KUA, pimpinan agama dan tokoh masyarakat dengan objek kajiannya model komunikasi keluarga terhadap nikah muda di Kecamatan Blang Jerango Kabupaten Gayo Lues. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Model komunikasi keluarga yang mempengaruhi nikah usia muda di Kecamatan Blang Jerango, Kabupaten Gayo Lues model komunikasi yang banyak ditemukan adalah model ABX dan Stimulus-Respons, yakni komunikasi yang dilakukan dengan tidak langsung tapi melalu interaksi 3 orang yaitu anak, ayah dan ibu, dan (2) Pernikahan usia muda di Kecamatan Blang Jerango dipengaruhi oleh model komunikasi dan pola asuh dalam keluarga juga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lain yaitu (a) faktor ekonomi/kemiskinan dari pihak keluarga yang kurang mampu membiayai anggota keluargannya sehingga dengan adanya pernikahan akan mengurangi beban keluarga, (b) faktor diri sendiri dari pasangan yang dipengaruhi oleh media-media sosial, (c) rendahnya tingkat pendidikan membuat orang tua yang hanya bersekolah hingga tamat SD merasa senang jika anaknya sudah ada yang menyukai, dan orang tua tidak mengetahui adanya akibat dari pernikahan muda ini, (d) pengaruh orang tua yang menikahkan anaknya karena sudah biasa atau turun-temurun, (e) melanggengkan hubungan agar status hubungan mereka ada kepastian, (f) tradisi kebiasaan menikahkan anaknya pada usia muda, dan hal ini berlangsung terus menerus, sehingga anak-anak yang ada pada keluarga tersebut secara otomatis akan mengikuti tradisi tersebut.

Model Of Family Comunication And Its Effec On Young Marriage In Gayo Lues (studi case in sub District Blang Jerango District Gayo Lues)



            This research aimed to find out (1) communication model applied by parents in Gayo Lues so that early marriage often happens, (2) factors that cause early marriagein Gayo Lues Regency. This study used family communication theory. The method used in this research was qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The subjects of the study were the parents of early married couples, early marriage couples, KUA officers, religious leaders and society figures with family communication model towardsearly marriage couples in Blang Jerango District Gayo Lues as the object of study. The technique of collecting data was done by interview, observation and documentation. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that: (1) Family communication model that influencedearly marriage couples in Blang Jerango sub-district, Gayo Lueswas Stimulus-Response, ABX and Interactional communication model. This communication was provedby the actions of the agent of communication eitherthe parents or children. Another communication model was a communication model involving third figures such as a father, mother or child. Interactional communication model was also found in families involved in early marriage. In this case the communication occurs between two sides namely father and child, children to mother and children to children, and (2) the early marriage in Blang Jerango sub-district was influenced by communication model and parenting pattern in the family and it was also influenced by several factors such as: (a ) the economic / poverty factors of the family which was unable to provide for their family members so that it is hoped that the marriage will reduce the family burden, (b) the self-factor which was influenced by social media, (c) the low level of education makes the parents who are only the elementary school graduates felt happy if their child is adored and the parents are not aware of any effect of the early marriage, (d) the influence of parents marrying their children in the early age because of the custom, (e) perpetuating the relationship so that the status of their relationship was certain clear, (f) the customary tradition of marrying their children in early age, and this goes on and on, so the other children will automatically follow the tradition.


Keywords: Communication Model, Family, Early Marriage ; Kata Kunci: Model Komunikasi, Keluarga, Nikah Muda.

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