Independensi Lembaga Survei Calon Gubernur Aceh Pada Pilkada Tahun 2017 (Suatu Penelitian Terhadap Hasil Survei Media Research Center)
Hasil survei Media Research Center banyak menimbulkan pro dan kontra dari masyarakat dan pasangan calon Gubernur dikarenakan disaat merilis hasil surveinya lembaga survei MRC tidak mempublikasikannya secara transparan, seperti jumlah dana, anggaran pelaksanaan survei, apakah dana survei MRC murni berasal dari lembaga itu atau ada pihak tertentu yang jadi sponsor yang turun tangan. Sehingga menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan terhadap hasil survei tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Independensi Media Research Center dalam melakukan survei calon Gubernur Aceh Tahun 2017 serta mengetahui ketidakpercayaan pasangan calon terhadap hasil survei Media Research Center dalam melakukan survei calon Gubernur Aceh tahun 2017.
Data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian lapangan dan kepustakaan. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan melalui wawancara informan dan dokumen-dokumen penting dari peneliti Media Research Center serta dari pasangan calon Gubernur Aceh yang disurvei. Sedangkan penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku teks, jurnal, peraturan perundang-undangan dan bahan-bahan lain yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa Independensi dari lembaga survei Media Research Center sudah berjalan baik dengan tidak menjadi konsultan politik, hasil survei berdasarkan fakta dan lembaganya sudah independen dengan bebas pengaruh dari manapun. namun kurang mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pasangan calon dikarenakan tidak ada transparansi disaat merilis hasil survei tersebut.
Independensi Lembaga survei Media Research Center sudah berjalan baik dengan tidak merangkap sebagai konsultan politik dan bersikap netral. Namun masih kurang mendapat kepercayaan dari pasangan calon dikarenakan pasangan calon berpandangan hasil survei biasanya bukan dari hasil seutuhnya suatu pemilihan melainkan hasil dari pengambilan sampel dari beberapa responden sehingga pasangan calon tidak seutuhnya percaya terhadap hasil survei tersebut. Kepada lembaga survei Media Research Center dalam melakukan survei harus transparan agar lebih diketahui oleh masyarakat dan pasangan calon dan Serta tetap mempertahankan hasil survei yang digunakan sehingga mendapat kepercayaan dari masyarakat.
Kata Kunci: Independensi, Kepercayaan Politik
The Independence Of Aceh Governor Candidate Survey Institution Regional Election On 2017
The survey results Media Research Center generated a lot of pros and cons of community and partner candidates for Governor because when releasing results of the survey survey institute MRC does not publish transparent, such as the number of funds, the budget implementation of the survey, whether the funds survey MRC is purely derived from that institution or there are certain parties the sponsor who intervened. Giving rise to mistrust of the results of the survey.
This study aims to determine how the independence of the Media Research Center in conducting surveys candidate for Governor of Aceh Year 2017 as well as knowing distrust pair of candidates to the survey findings Media Research Center conducted a survey of candidates for Governor in Aceh in 2017.
Data required in this study were obtained through field research and literature. The field research by interviewing informants and important documents of the Media Research Center and researchers from Aceh Governor candidate pairs were surveyed. While the library research done by reading textbooks, journals, legislation and other materials related to this research.
The results of the study, indicating that the Independence of the Media Research Center survey agencies already work fine with not being a political consultant, survey results based on facts and institutions are already independent free from any influence. but the lack of confidence of the pair of candidates because there is no transparency when releasing the survey results.
Independence of the Institute of Media Research Center survey has been running well with no doubles as a political consultant and neutral. But there is still lack of confidence of the pair of candidates because the candidate pairs sighted survey results are usually not of the full results of an election but rather the result of a sampling of some of the respondents, so a couple of candidates did not fully trust the results of the survey. To the Media Research Center survey agencies in conducting surveys to be transparent in order to be known by the public and the candidate pairs and retaining well as survey results were used to obtain the trust of the community.
Keywords: Independence, Politic Trust
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Alamat Tim Redaksi
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Jln. Tanoh Abee, Kopelma Darussalam
Banda Aceh, 23111, Aceh