Efektivitas Keberadaan Organisasi Sayap Partai Gerindra Terhadap kaderisasi Politik Partai Gerindra Aceh
Keberadaan Organisasi Sayap bagi partai politik adalah suatu hak yang legal sejak terbitnya UU Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 tentang partai politik. Keberadaannya diharapkan bukan sekedar pemenuhan hak undang-undang dan pelengkap struktural semata, melainkan kebutuhan nyata sebagai pendukung peran dan fungsi partai politik. Partai Gerindra turut membentuk organisasi sayap partai dalam rangka penguatan mesin politiknya terutama terhadap kaderisasi politik partai. Namun Organisasi Sayap Partai Gerindra kurang berkontribusi dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan partai terhadap kader politik terlebih jika melihat sedikitnya kader sayap partai yang duduk dijabatan politik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peran dan Fungsi Sayap Partai Gerindra Aceh dalam menjalankan kaderisasi politik serta mengetahui efektifitas keberadaan Organisasi Sayap Partai Gerindra terhadap kaderisasi politik di Partai Gerindra Aceh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan Sayap Partai Gerindra Aceh mempunyai peran dan fungsi sebagai sarana rekrutmen politik, sarana pendidikan politik dan sarana penciptaan kader politik. Akan tetapi pelaksanaan peran dan fungsi tersebut masih bersifat parsial, tidak intensif dan sistematis. Sehingga keberadaan Organisasi Sayap Partai Gerindra belum efektif terhadap kaderisasi politik di Partai Gerindra Aceh. Diharapkan Partai Gerindra Aceh hendaknya serius mempersiapkan organisasi sayap sebagai sarana kaderisasi politik kader partai dengan mempersiapkan kurikulum kaderisasi politik yang jelas dan sistematis, sehingga tercapainya efektivitas kaderisasi politik Sayap Partai Gerindra Aceh yang optimal. Kata Kunci : Organisasi Sayap Partai, Kaderisasi Politik, Efektivitas
The existence of a wing organization for political parties is a legal right since the issuance of Law (Undang-Undang) Number 2 of 2008 concerning political parties. Its existence is expected not only to fulfill the rights of the law and structural supplementation, but also as a real need to support the role and function of political parties. The Gerindra Party helped form the party's wing organization in order to strengthen its political machinery, especially towards the regeneration of party politics. However, the Gerindra Party Wing Organization does not contribute in fulfilling the party's need for political cadres, especially if it sees at least a party cadre of political parties sitting in political positions. This study aims to determine the Role and Function of the Gerindra Party of Aceh wing organization in carrying out political regeneration and to know the effectiveness of the existence of the Gerindra Party wing organization towards political regeneration in the Gerindra Party of Aceh. The research method used is descriptive qualitative while data collection were conducted by direct observations, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the existence of the Gerindra Party of Aceh wing organization has a role and function as a means of political recruitment, a means of political education and a means of creating political cadres. However, the implementation of these roles and functions is still partial, not intensive nor systematic. It is concluded that the existence of the Gerindra Party Wing Organization has not been effective for the political caderization in the Gerindra Party of Aceh. It is hoped that the Gerindra Party of Aceh should seriously prepare wing organizations as a means of regenerating political cadres by preparing a clear and systematic political cadre curriculum, so that optimal political cadre regeneration of the Gerindra Party in Aceh is achieved.Keywords : Party Wing Organization, Political Cadre, Effectiveness
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Alamat Tim Redaksi
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Jln. Tanoh Abee, Kopelma Darussalam
Banda Aceh, 23111, Aceh