Pengaruh Celebrity Endorsement dan Brand Awareness terhadap Repurchase Intension yang Dimediasi oleh Brand Loyalty

Jaisyar Rabbani, Mirza Tabrani


For business actors engaged in fashion and sports equipment, celebrity endorsement and brand awareness are very important variables in the process of repurchasing intention because satisfactory celebrity support and brand awareness will have an impact on brand loyalty, which in turn will lead to repeat purchases. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of celebrity endorsement and brand awareness on repurchase intention mediated by brand loyalty to Nike products in Banda Aceh City. The research method used is quantitative descriptive analysis with the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis mode with a total sample of 210 respondents. The results of the celebrity endorsement study have a direct effect on repurchasing interest in Nike products in Banda Aceh City. Brand awareness has a direct effect on repurchasing interest in Nike products in Banda Aceh City. celebrity endorsement has a direct effect on brand loyalty among users of Nike products in Banda Aceh City. Brand awareness has a direct effect on brand loyalty among users of Nike products in Banda Aceh City. Brand loyalty has a direct effect on repurchase intention for Nike products in Banda Aceh City. Brand loyalty partially mediates celebrity endorsement of repurchase intention among users of Nike products in Banda Aceh City. Brand loyalty partially mediates brand awareness of repurchase intention among users of Nike products in Banda Aceh City.


Repurchase intention, Celebrity Endorsement, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty

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