Pengaruh Pengalaman Merek dan Persepsi Nilai terhadap Loyalitas Merek yang Dimediasi oleh Kepercayaan Merek pada Skincare Somethinc

Ella Marsella, Halimatussakdiah Halimatussakdiah


This research aims to measure the effect of brand experience and perceived value on brand loyalty mediated by brand trust in skincare somethinc. The sample used in this research was Somethinc skincare users in Banda Aceh City with a total 200 respondents. Data were collected by using online questionnaires. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used as an analytical method to determine the effect of the variables involved. Based on the results of SEM analysis identified Brand Experience did not affect Brand Loyalty Somethinc skincare in Banda Aceh, Perceived Value had an effect on Brand Loyalty Somethinc skincare in Banda Aceh, Brand Trust had an effect on Brand Loyalty Skincare Somethinc in Banda Aceh, Brand Trust did not partially mediate Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty Somethinc skincare in Banda Aceh, Brand Trust partially mediates the influence of Perceived Value on Brand Loyalty Somethinc skincare in Banda Aceh.


Brand Experience; Perceived Value; Brand Trust; Brand Loyalty; Structural Equation Modeling

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