Pengaruh Information Quality terhadap Purchase Decision yang Dimediasi oleh Brand Trust dan Brand Image

Jihan Zahirah, Muhammad Basyir


This research aims to measure the effect of Information Quality and Brand Image on Purchase Decision mediated by Brand Trust at PT. Aceh Media Grafika in Banda Aceh City (Serambi Indonesia Daily Newspaper Customers). The sample used in this study were customers of the Serambi Indonesia Daily Newspaper in Banda Aceh City. Data were collected through a survey of 160 respondents as sample to represents the research population and used was purposive sampling. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is used as an analytical method to determine the effect of the variables involved. Based on the results of SEM analysis, it is identified that Information Quality effect Brand Trust, Information Quality has a positive effect on Brand Image,  Information Quality has a positive effect on Purchase Decision, Brand Trust has a positive effect on Purchase Decision, Brand Image has a positive effect on Purchase Decision, Brand Trust partially mediates the effect of Information Quality on Purchase Decision, and Brand Image partially mediates the effect of Information Quality on Purchase Decision.


Information Quality, Brand Trust, Brand Image, Purchase Decision, Structural Equation Modelling

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Tim Redaksi:

Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Lantai II Gedung Induk

Darussalam, Banda Aceh, 2311


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