Evaluasi Desain Peledakan Jenjang untuk Mendapatkan Fragmentasi dan Biaya yang Optimal dengan Teknik Digital Image Processing dan Kuz-Ram Model

Titah Yaumil Rizki, Haqul Baramsyah, Nurul Aflah, Muchlis Muchlis


Blasting is a disclosure activity to get certain size of material, that allows the next process such as loading.  Optimization of blasting production is not only reviewed  form technical, but also consider from economic aspects too. This study aims to  know the actual geometry, blasting cost and fragmentation size of limestone produced at the GCP1 3 Quarry I limestone PT. Lafarge Cement Indonesia. The optimum of  fragmentation size based on excavator bucket capacity, where fragmentation size at percent passing 80 each blasting must be ≤ 32 cm. Kuz-Ram method was used to estimate fragmentation size theoretically, while to measure the actual fragmentation was used SplitDesktop software. From the analysis image, the actual geometry obtained  fragmentation size is not optimal yet, because fragmentation size at percent passing 80 measuring bigger than 32 cm, it mean different design parameters is needed and were selected by optimization according to some of methods. The predicted of fragmentation size by Kuz-Ram method shows the design of Wyllie & Mah provide desired fragmentation and less cost, the fragmentation size at percent passing 80 of Wyllie & Mah design is 31,46 cm  which is blasting cost as big as Rp 11.698,71 /m3 for more economical way.


Fragmentasi; Peledakan Jenjang; Wylie & Mah; Peledakan; Kuari

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