Desain Sluice Box pada Proses Pemisahan Emas di Pertambangan Emas Artisanal Geumpang, Pidie, Aceh.
Sluice box is a tool that is used to separate gold from the gangue mineral based on the difference of density. Sluice box is used as an alternative of amalgamation method in order to prevent the use of mercury in gold separation process. The research is done in artisanal mining in Geumpang at KM. 9. In this research, 2 kg samples of gold ore were taken and underwent preparation to be analyzed with XRF test. The result indicates that the samples contain 0.0042% Au2O gold. The value is calculated using the formula concentration criteria Taggart, with results of 11.09. The calculation is done using several parameters of the formula, Stokes formula was used to calculate the rate of deposition of fine particles which is 0.0202 m/s. For rough particles the Newton's formula is used with the obtained results of 1.6493 m/s. The result obtained explain the behavior of particle deposition with influence of shape and size of particles that is used to design the sluice .The sluice box designed in this research is the decked(zig-zag) type sluice box which result a higher recovery percentages. from the result obtained, the optimal design of sluice box is a triple deck sluice box, with all decks have the width of 1 m. The deck length of the highest and the second highest deck are 3m, and the lowest deck has a length of 7m. Sluice box is made from wood, aluminium and carpet. The designed sluice box is also equipped with screens and feeder hooper to accommodate the efek
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